How to Get Started on Flutter | For Both Non Programmers and Programmers

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners

Getting Started with Flutter

Are you interested in learning Flutter? But you don’t know where to start or how to get started learning flutter and dart. Then look no further!

In this post, I will be discussing the best ways of learning flutter. It won’t be a problem if you are not from a programming background as long as you are willing to learn.

Table of Contents:

  1. Why Should You Learn Flutter
  2. How to get started
  3. Best Paid Method
  4. Best Free Method
  5. Frequently Asked Questions

First of all, Let’s discuss why should you learn Flutter, not other programming languages.

To explain in few words, with a single codebase you write in Flutter, you can build applications for all three- Android, IOS, and Web.

Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

Flutter is easy to learn as well compared to other programming languages.

Companies using Flutter
Companies using Flutter [Source: Flutter]
Some Other reasons are:
  • You can create beautiful Apps using Flutter. Designing is easy.
  • Real time compilation. You can change code anytime and easily spot which code is causing problems.
  • You can save time and money as you don’t need to code differently for IOS or Android.
  • Flutter has a very good documentation, full of rich knowledge about its tutorials, widgets, classes and many more.

These are some of the reasons why Flutter is so popular nowadays.

[Note: Flutter is not a programming language, but is a Software Development Kit(SDK) based on Dart.]

Now that you know the importance of learning Flutter. Let’s discuss how to get started.

Getting started in any programming language is not easy. One should be devoted to learning. And the most important thing is to practice and make use of all the learnings. If not, you can easily find yourself stuck and losing motivation.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure.

General Colin Powell

The best way of Getting Started with Flutter.

Flutter Development Bootcamp for beginners
Flutter course on Udemy

Why am I recommending this course?

This is a great course to learn if you want to get the most out of Flutter. You will be able to build a portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps you can add to your resume to impress recruiters and potential employers. It’s not a free course but it is completely worth your time and money if you are serious about learning Flutter. You can buy $10 on Udemy sales.

With this course, you will be able to learn many things about Flutter that every beginner should know like what is variable, class, objects, functions, and other necessary knowledge. So There is no need for beginners with a non-programming background to worry, all of the necessary knowledge is included in this course.

Flutter course for beginners
Flutter Course Contents

In this course, you will start from making a simple App to a chatting Application.

This course also guides you on how to install Flutter on your device for both Windows and Mac. What are the necessary steps needed to be done before you can make an Application! All of this is covered by this course.

Flutter development course for beginners
Flutter Course Contents

You will start by learning how to make a simple Application and at the end, you will be able to make a chatting Application. Other Applications you will learn to make includes Dice App, Quiz App, and Weather App.

Dice Application
Finished App
Weather Application
Chat Application

There are also various challenges given in the course to complete. Don’t worry if you can’t complete it, Angela will show you the solutions.

In short, this course offers:

  • All Necessary Basic Knowledge that every programmer should know.
  • Basic introduction about Flutter
  • How to install Flutter on both Windows and Mac
  • From making a simple App to Complex App like Weather and Chatting App
  • Well Detailed explanation about every step

That’s why it is the best course out there to learn if you are serious about Flutter and want to make it a career out of it.

Learn Flutter Course for Beginners on Udemy

Besides this, there is a best Free method if you don’t want to pay: Youtube

This 5 hour course by Academind on Youtube covers all the important topics about Flutter for Beginners.

Both the courses I mentioned are best. It’s doesn’t matter which you choose to get started.

To Learn anything, Remember you just need to GET STARTED RIGHT NOW.


  1. How do I get started with flutter?

    The best way of getting started with Flutter is from this Udemy Course “Flutter Development for Beginners” or “Flutter Crash Course for Beginners 2021” by Academind on Youtube.

  2. Does Flutter requires Coding?

    Yes. You need to code to create a beautiful application for mobile and desktop.

  3. What should I learn before flutter?

    If you take this Udemy course “Flutter Development for Beginners” then you don’t need to learn anything. Most of the basic knowledge needed is covered by this course. It is the best course out there for a person with a non-programming or programming background.

  4. Is it worth learning Flutter in 2021?

    image 1

    Yes. Flutter is getting popular day by day and is being used by big companies like Google, Tencent, Alibaba, eBay, etc

  5. Which course is best for learning Flutter?

    The best way of getting started with Flutter is from this Udemy Course “Flutter Development for Beginners” or “Flutter Crash Course for Beginners 2021” by Academind on Youtube.